First Moonshot Goal6 Camp Held

On July 2, the first overall camp as Moonshot Goal 6 was held in Chiba.
A total of more than 300 people from 12 projects participated in the three-day event, which was a valuable opportunity for all members involved in Goal 6 to interact with each other.

Oral presentation

Every PJ had a 1 hour slot for presenting their vision and results to the entire program. For the OhmoriPJ, after an introduction by Ohmori-sensei, Sylvain and Taira-sensei each gave a presentation. Sylvain first explained general principles of the cold-atom platform, targeting the audience non-expert on this topic, and then described the overall architecture of the cold-atom QC under development. Taira-sensei presented his ongoing efforts to develop laser systems specifically for cold-atom QC.

Poster presentation

On Thursday 7th morning, During the poster session, 144 project participants presented their results. Nine people from our project participated. It was a nice opportunity to proudly show new results and receive feedbacks from other participants.

Cold-atom discussion

On Thursday 7th afternoon, there was a time for free discussion. With other projects (Aoki PJ, Yamamoto PJ) who also uses cold-atom, we considered how to work together, for example, by promoting the mobility of young researchers (master, PhD) between the different groups. Tomita-san reported these results at the end.