“Atomic Qubits: Neutral atoms and Trapped ions Workshop” was held at Osaka University.

“Atomic Qubits: Neutral atoms and Trapped ions” was held as an internal workshop of MS Proposal 6 at Toyonaka Campus, Osaka University from August 7 to 9. Nineteen members attended from Omori PJ: PI Fukuhara, PI Takahashi, PI Tomita, PI Sylvain, and PI Omori.

Last year, the Institute for Molecular Science was the host, and the main focus was on technical lectures limited to optical tweezers. This year, however, the scope was expanded to include neutral atoms and trapped ions in general, and members of the ion trapping group of MS6 at Osaka University also joined.


In addition, two researchers from Prof. Manuel Endres’ group at California Institute of Technology and Prof. Adam Kaufman’s group at the University of Colorado were invited to discuss the development of cooled atom quantum computers in the United States.

Presentation + Discussion

7 August (Wed)

  • Yamamoto-group @ Osaka, QIQB (Neutral Atom teams)

  • Haze-group @ QIQB (QIQB Trapped Ion teams)

  • Aoki-group @ Waseda & NanoQT (Neutral Atom teams)

  • Young researchers & Students short talks (10 min + discussion)

8 August (Thu)

  • Ohmori-group @ IMS
    Takafumi Tomita, “Making a full-stack cold-atom quantum computer”

  • Takahashi-group @ Kyoto
    Yuma Nakamura, “Development of an ytterbium-atom-based quantum computer”

  • Invited talk
    Gyohei Nomura (Endres group, Caltech.), “A tweezer array with 6,100 highly coherent atomic qubits”

  • Toyoda-group @ QIQ

  • Tanaka-group @ Osaka, QIQB

  • Invited talk
  • Young researchers & Students short talks (10 min + discussion)
    Axel Ugo (Ohomori group)
    Naoya Ozawa (Takahashi group)
    Toshi Kusano (Takahashi group)
    Rei Yokoyama (Takahashi group)


Lab Tour

@Osaka University QIQB

Yamamoto Lab / Tanaka Lab / Haze Lab / Toyoda Lab